Absolute Value Calculator

Enter number:
Absolute value results:

What is an Absolute Value Calculator?

An absolute value calculator is a tool that computes the absolute value of a given number or mathematical expression. The absolute value of a number represents its distance from zero on the number line, regardless of whether the number is positive or negative.

Principles of Absolute Value

The absolute value of a real number x is denoted by |x| and is defined as:

  • For a positive number x, |x| = x
  • For a negative number x, |x| = -x (which makes it positive)
  • For zero, |0| = 0

So the absolute value function always gives the magnitude or non-negative value of the number, stripping away the sign.

Some key principles:

  • The absolute value is always a non-negative number (>= 0)
  • Numbers that are opposites have the same absolute value, e.g. |-5| = |5| = 5
  • The absolute value measures the distance from zero on the number line

How to Use

To use the absolute value calculator:

  1. Enter the number or expression whose absolute value you want to find in the input field
  2. Click the "Calculate" or "Solve" button
  3. The calculator will output the absolute value of the given input


  • |5| = 5
  • |-3.7| = 3.7
  • |x - 2| = 4 has solutions x = -2 and x = 6

The calculator can handle positive and negative numbers, decimals, as well as algebraic expressions involving absolute value like |2x - 5|.


  • Finding the magnitude or size of a number, ignoring its sign
  • Solving absolute value equations and inequalities
  • Optimization problems where the objective is to minimize the absolute deviations
  • Calculating distances, errors, tolerances in physics/engineering

The absolute value has many applications in mathematics, sciences, statistics and computer science where the magnitude rather than the sign of a quantity is important.

Visual Representation

Absolute Value Graph

The graph of y = |x| is a V-shaped figure, showing how the absolute value function "folds" the number line about the origin, making all values positive.

So in summary, the absolute value calculator is a simple but powerful tool for quickly finding the absolute value of numbers and expressions, which represents an important mathematical concept with wide-ranging applications. The key principles, usage, examples and visual representation help explain how this calculator works.

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